Please complete the following form to make an account request.

We invite health care providers to register with Shock It Up for access to exclusive, cost-effective pricing distinct from retail. This simple process allows our sales team to evaluate your specific needs and offer personalized solutions. Register now to benefit from our specialized services tailored for the health care community.

    (*) The field is required

    First and Last Name *

    Health Care Professional Practice (fill in by customer) *

    Email *


    Name of Health Care Facility/Company *

    Address option to pick office or home *

    Address 1 *

    Address 2 (Optional)

    City, State and ZIP Code *

    Primary phone number *

    Fax number

    What prompted you to request an account today? *

    Who is the best person in your company/clinic to contact?

    What are the best dates and times during the week to contact regarding Shock It Up?

    What are the best dates and times to contact this person regarding Shock It Up?